Confidentiality Agreement
Welcome Ladies to your sacred Sangha, Women of the Wise!
I’m looking forward to meeting you all in this safe space where we will grow, learn and be raw and real together. I ask that you’re comfortable enough to come as you are and be open to new ideas and to share your untamed self.
Please agree to maintain confidentiality and to contribute positively to the discussion, keeping each other supported, and building confidence together intergrading empathy and compassion; Creating an alchemy in our Sangha.
Trust may take time to develop but as we cultivate this safe space, I believe that the wise women that you are will hold each other hearts with equality and compassion. Please agree to keeping all personal information from our discussions to our group (Sangha), reframing from sharing with anyone else.
None of our meetings are recorded unless otherwise informed beforehand.
Please complete and submit this form as an agreement to full confidentiality.
Much Love, Crystal :)